Move to Improve

Part 3: Menopause and Cognition

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Donna Scates

"Very interesting course. I have never heard of BDNF before and now I am keen to learn more. I am really enjoying learning from you and it's going to help me become a better instructor and also educate my participants the importance of exercise to keep our brains healthy."

As women move into menopause there are cognitive and emotional changes that can be confusing and lead to many women scaling back their activities.


Does menopause necessarily need to be the way that so many people think it will be? 

Many people consider menopause and post-menopause to be a period where there is a natural decline. But many people also accelerate and amplify the effects of that decline in ways that:

  • are unnecessary
  • are unhelpful 
  • that don't allow people to reach their true potential

But …. menopause is no time to pause! This fascinating module explores the cognitive and emotional challenges that most women experience as they move into and through menopause.


Sharyn Case

I love the mSwing education!! This one is no exception, glad I finally made time to do it. Informative and simple to understand science and so relevant to many of us. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and movement and exercise it will make that transition a little smoother and less stressful. Thank you Marietta and Mark :)

What you will learn in this course

  • Examine the key hormones and neurotransmitters that drive many of the challenges that people attribute to menopause.

  • Discover that there are a number of myths that people apply to menopause and how these can create unnecessary limitations on women reaching their potential.

  • Discover how physical activity can dramatically improve the health, fitness and quality of life of you and your clients.

  • Learn the activity guidelines that will give maximum benefit, and you will experience an engaging and fun workout that applies these principles safely and effectively.

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